Thomas Chiropractic
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When Prevention Goes Too Far

In the movie, “What About Bob”, Dr. Leo Marvin goes crazy trying to take a vacation. Bob, one of his insane patients, will not leave him and his family alone. At his breaking point, Dr. Marvin takes Bob by gunpoint into the woods, to tie him up, strap him to dynamite,...
7 Things You Need to Know About Plantar Fasciitis

7 Things You Need to Know About Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common and painful foot conditions.  It is treatable but the longer you go without taking care of it, the harder it is to get back to normal. Here is a list of seven things you should know if you think you have plantar fasciitis....

Massage and Chiropractic

Just about everyday I get asked whether it would be a good idea to get a massage. Almost always my answer is absolutely! I am a big fan of massage as a healing art and a therapy. As with all professions, there are very good practitioners and some that are not so...