by Jared Thomas | Mar 21, 2021 | chiropractic, chiropractor, Exercises, healing, healthcare, Ice, Ice Bucket, Massage, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Uncategorized
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common and painful foot conditions. It is treatable but the longer you go without taking care of it, the harder it is to get back to normal. Here is a list of seven things you should know if you think you have plantar fasciitis....
by Jared Thomas | Mar 16, 2016 | acute injury, back pain, chiropractic, chiropractor, Disc Injury, Ice, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Uncategorized
Have you ever bent over to pick up something only to experience a pain like someone shoved a hot poker into your low back and then started pulling your muscles apart? Yeah, most of us have felt that at some point. Hopefully, it never happens to you, too, but if it...
by Jared Thomas | Apr 11, 2011 | acute injury, chiropractic, chiropractor, dysfunction, healing, Ice, Ice Bucket, icing protocols, Proprioception
Whenever I get several patients who come in with the same ailment, I always feel like the universe is telling me to write about it. When that same ailment happens to me, the hint is as subtle as a two by four to the head. Such is the case with this article. I have had...
by Jared Thomas | Mar 22, 2011 | acute injury, chiropractic, chiropractor, dysfunction, healing, Health, Ice, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, swelling
In this world of instant gratification, realistic expectations are often scarce. We have instant coffee, fast food, automatic deposit, etc. We demand results quickly and for most things we get them. Unfortunately, healing is not an instantaneous event. It takes time....
by Jared Thomas | Mar 2, 2010 | acute injury, chiropractic, chiropractor, heat, heat pack, Ice, Ice Bucket, ice pack, icing protocols, Roseville Chiropractic
I get asked quite frequently whether to use ice or heat on an aching joint. When in doubt, use ice but use it properly. I have outlined protocols for icing below. That is not to say that there are not times when heat is appropriate, but icing is almost always...
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