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Thoughts On the Coronavirus and All Infectious Diseases

As with anything that dominates the twenty-four-hour news cycle, the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has a spectrum of concern. Please educate yourself on this virus by checking out the CDC’s website. I am writing to give my thoughts from a holistic healthcare provider and, hopefully, a reasonable perspective to help you navigate the fear while still protecting yourself.

You are starting to see memes about surviving the latest end of the world. Let’s be honest, every few years the news goes crazy about some infectious disease that could wipe out entire populations. The disease runs its course, many are infected, several die, and the disease gets under control and passes from global consciousness. Some diseases, particularly the ones they create a vaccine for, stay in the public consciousness because of the shot. These are, generally, very nasty viruses. There is definite cause for concern. However, we need to step back and avoid panicking so we can really fight the spread of such diseases.

Many have written articles about how to protect yourself. I would echo those which encourage you to wash your hands often and avoid close contact with potentially infected individuals. However, we still need to live and function in society. The best defense is not a mask, gloves, or boarding yourself up at your house, but a stellar immune system.

Antoine Bechamp in the 19th Century claimed that it wasn’t germs that cause diseases but that leaving our bodies susceptible to disease was the problem. He argued that there are always germs in great supply about and around us and that until we give them a place to thrive, they stay under control. To prove his point he drank a glass of water infected with cholera and never got sick, so the legend goes. He lived into his 90’s so he, at least, had something going for him.

I am not suggesting that anyone take a flight to China, not that there are any available, to prove the superiority of your immune system. However, we can and should do all we can to keep our immune system performing well. I could write a whole article on keeping your immune system healthy. I will sum up some good ways by saying you need to eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise, get enough sleep, avoid sugar and alcohol, and get adjusted.

I know, I am a chiropractor and I always figure out some angle to work adjusting into the solution. The truth is that chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly boost one’s immune system.

Right now, the Coronavirus is not really prevalent in our area. There are a few cases that have been quarantined. Health officials are doing a good job of educating people about what they can do if they suspect an outbreak. In our office, we are taking the normal precautions to ensure that we are not a source location. Please, keep up on your care. Staying healthy, like I mentioned earlier, is still the best defense.


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8:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Monday through Friday
