by Jared Thomas | Feb 19, 2013 | back pain, chiropractic, chiropractor, dysfunction, healing, Health, healthcare, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor
It is always interesting when a new patient who has never seen a chiropractor before, and knows very little about it, asks what it will take to get better. When I explain that we are going to start off adjusting them three times a week, their eyes usually get very...
by Jared Thomas | Dec 3, 2012 | chiropractic, chiropractor, disease, dysfunction, Health, healthcare, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Uncategorized
For you football fans out there, you will get this analogy. Your team is up by 2 with just over a minute remaining in the game. Your offense has done just enough to be up but your defense has played lights out. Now they start playing “prevent defense” and...
by Jared Thomas | Nov 5, 2012 | back pain, bird dog, chiropractic, chiropractor, Core, Crunches, Disc Injury, dysfunction, Exercises, Health, healthcare, roseville, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Spinal Stabilzation
When we talk about “the core” of the body, we are typically referencing the musculature around the abdomen and low back. These muscles consist of the abdominal muscles (rectus abdomini, internal obliques, external obliques, and transversi) and the muscles...
by Jared Thomas | Jul 2, 2012 | chiropractic, chiropractor, Health, healthcare, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Uncategorized, Universal Health Care
How does ObamaCare affect chiropractic care in my office? That is a great question! I will tell you honestly, it doesn’t, at least not on my part. Say what you want about the Affordable Care Act, I do not need the Federal Government or anyone else to tell me...
by Jared Thomas | Jan 12, 2012 | back pain, chiropractic, chiropractor, Disc Injury, disease, dysfunction, frustrating, healing, Health, healthcare, neck, primary care, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, Uncategorized
The purpose of this blog post is in no way to belittle or degrade the medical profession. My best friend is a medical doctor and I have several friends whom I admire and respect who are medical doctors. Furthermore, I have many medical doctors who refer patients to me...
by Jared Thomas | Oct 26, 2011 | chiropractic, chiropractor, frustrating, healing, Health, healthcare, muscle spasm, neck, nerves, pillow, Roseville Chiropractic, Roseville Chiropractor, tension, Uncategorized
Ah, the frustration of finding the perfect pillow! Have you found yours, yet? Once you do, your spouse or kid will probably steal it or your dog will chew it up. Or, do you have that pillow that has been perfect for longer than you are willing to admit and it is just...
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